At the another life. event, Future Life Style ~How to Live in a New Era~, our company’s representative and president, Yuki Kondo spoke at the podium!
This time’s theme was “Live Across the World”.
During the event, there was a talk session from Resident Traveler Ms. ERIKO, who has traveled through 40 countries and lived with 69 families. There was also feelings shared by those who spoke and the audience during the workshop “Live Across the World”, and the venue’s energy had a positive buzz.
Through participating, we believe it served as the catalyst for many to take interest in basing their activities around the world, and to reconsider how they want to live their future lives.
At the another life. event, Future Life Style ~How to Live in a New Era~, based on the concept “How to Live in a New Era”, each session a guest is invited to give life experiences on a specific theme, and created is an community where those at the podium and the audience can interact equally. For those interested, please feel free to check another life.’s Facebook page!
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