YouMe NepalNepal

A world where all children can sketch out their dreams

These are the branding visuals for NPO Corporation Youme Nepal, aiming to break through the current strangleholds of the future for Nepal’s children, and offering educational support.
In Nepal, there remains the issue of an educational diversity between the city and mountainous regions, as well as many youngsters not graduating high school and turning to migrant work in the Middle East, Malaysia, etc., due to not having access to suitable schooling. With Youme Nepal, the aim is to get each individual to display their potential, think about how they want to live their lives, discover the chances in front of them, and grab that chance to be happy in life. With those thoughts in mind, they manage schooling that anyone can attend to, as well as online classes.
Here at WORLD FESTIVAL, we closely followed the daily lives of pupils attending Youme School in the great outdoors of Nepal, and filmed how the lives of both the children and those involved were opened up to a world of possibilities, and the connection it would make in their own futures.

In charge of: Planning | Film
Genre: Branding | NPO・NGO | Local | Developing Country | Children | Education | Nature
Khotang, Nepal
Founding of the country 1768 Major Cities Kathmandu(1 million people) / Pokhara(426,000 people)
Official Name Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal(Known as Nepal) Major Languages Nepali(Official language) etc.
Area 148,000㎢(0.39 times that of Japan) People Parbate Hindu, Magars etc.
Population 28.7 million people(Asian Development Bank) Religion Hinduism, Buddhism etc.
Capital Kathmandu(1 million people) Currency 1 Nepalese rupee(Rs)= 0.90 JPY / 1 dollar = 116.81 Nepalese rupee
Political system Federal Democratic Republic Industrial distribution Agriculture and forestry, Trade / Wholesale business, Transportation / Communication industry
Project Information
Title: YouMe Nepal
Client: YouMe Nepal
An NPO corporation conducting educational support aimed at Nepal’s children. They are involved in constructing and managing schools, and provide IT and English education, delivering high-quality education by incorporating online classes.
Location: Khotang, Nepal
Period: 2019.09
Producer: Yuki Kondo (WORLD FESTIVAL Inc.)
A. Producer: Shunsuke Nogichi (WORLD FESTIVAL Inc.)
Director + Cam
+ Edit:
Yuki Kondo (WORLD FESTIVAL Inc.)
A. Director
+ Edit:
Yurika Nakazawa (WORLD FESTIVAL Inc.)