“With You / Beyond”

FUKUROSHO North-district Fukuro Elementary School Class 1 & 2

With our thoughts in mind, we deliver to the children of Nepal and Jordan.
“With You / Beyond” by FUKUROSHO

Japanese elementary schoolers interacted with the children of Nepal and Jordan, and experienced the connection with the world around them.
In a class held over the span of a year, with the theme “To eradicate “Unrelated” within this world”, as a culmination, we delivered their own words and melody as music, to those in a foreign nation.

– LABEL – Vol.2 –

“With You”Music Video

“Beyond”Music Video

“Overcoming invisible borders, across nations and cultures”

We, at WORLD FESTIVAL, conducted a special class during the integrated learning period of Tokyo’s North-district Fukuro Elementary school, to a total of 70 six-graders. With the full-year theme of “To eradicate the “Indifference” in this world”, through interactions and creating with children overseas involving visuals and music, it was a class that played an active role in bringing the importance of connecting with one another. Nepal and Jordan were chosen as the interaction and creative partners.

In the first half, with the theme “My hometown”, we conducted a project where the students created a visual art piece where they conveyed the beauty and attractions of the town they lived in. They presented this to their families, the school, and when interacting internationally.
In the latter half, they connected with children of the same generation around the world and interacted. There, they conducted a delivery of music that carried their thoughts and feelings, their message, and what they imagined throughout the class. The produced music was then, through WORLD FESTIVAL LABEL, was distributed and put on sale with the various stories and experiences these children encountered.

“Together we create, to the world”

What is “creating together”? How can we overcome country, culture, and generational borders? What does it mean “To eradicate the “Indifference” in this world”? Through the classes, the children thought, imagined, and experienced various aspects, and these pure and innocent emotions and messages were realized in a melody and lyrics. Through applying the foundations made by the children, WORLD FESTIVAL and external creators collaborated, to deliver a finished product. With a sales plan directed to around the world, we created, by ourselves and with the world, an opportunity to connect on an equal level with people of various nations. The children joined in on shooting the visuals, designing the cover of the CD, sales, promotional ideas etc., of various fields. With this pure and innocent song directed at the world, we hope it will tear down invisible walls, and encourage and give hope to those who suffer in societal issues, disputes, and discrimination across borders and cultures.

We hope this song will reach out to as many people as possible, and that it will fight against the struggles and troubles they face in their individual lives and softly embrace them. If the song could give them a soft and gentle push in the right direction, there is nothing more we could hope for. And through these such projects, we hope that all recognize the beauty and potential of the world around us, and connect with one another.

“With You / Beyond”
FUKUROSHO North-district Fukuro Elementary School Class 1 & 2

With our thoughts in mind, we deliver to the children of Nepal and Jordan.

Both sides are A singles, with two songs included. Digitally released

*Through the “FUKUROSHO Fund” within the label, a partial amount of the funds raised will be distributed to the activities of the students of Fukuro Elementary School, who are the artists.

Price: 450 JPY (tax included)


“With You”

From far away, we were able to laugh together.
Even then, maybe we were able to connect with each other.
Let’s help each other, no matter the circumstances.
With hand in hand, we want to overcome all boundaries.

I want to know more about you.
But there are walls surrounding you.
I want to connect, but I don’t have the courage.

If I give up, I won’t be able to change.
We are connected; let’s try new things.
By believing in yourself.

From far away, we were able to laugh together.
Even then, maybe we were able to connect with each other.
Let’s help each other, no matter the circumstances.
With hand in hand, we want to overcome all boundaries.

The walls that surrounds us, have been lowered.
The thoughts “It isn’t related to me.” are no longer felt.
We will continue our challenge.
Anything we attempt, can be possible, anytime.
No matter how far away.
The connection will never fade, so let’s link together.

From far away, we were able to laugh together.
Even then, maybe we were able to change.
Let’s help each other, no matter the circumstances.
With hand in hand, we want to overcome all boundaries.

Let the curtains open, we’ll jump towards.
Let’s make a connecting bridge connecting the both of us.
Let’s pass it, with the most vivacious smile on our faces.
Let’s go hand in hand, and feel the most we can feel.
Let’s eat delicious food together.
Let’s sing a beautiful song together.
Let’s play together, with lots of fun.
Laughing with you all the way.
To the future,
To the future.


I looked up the world’s food and language.
There were similarities, but also aspects that were different.
Forever, I was not concerned or interested.
There was a part of me who thought, it was unrelated to me.

Each and every differing cultures of the world.
Nevertheless, there were shared aspects with Japan.
This is a chance to reach out to the world.
Opening previously closed and shuttered doors.

What is felt, what is thought.
Those are beyond that door.
Even with obstacles seemingly impossible to overcome, such as food and language.
Let’s overcome them with the power of songs, united around the world.

The differences between I and the world, don’t matter at all.
I donated to Unicef, to help other countries.
However, after a couple of days I forgot the purpose.
There I was, feeling as though it was unrelated to me.
Continuously avoiding aspects unrelated to me,
I felt a connection, to the things that were related to me.
Looking back on myself, and deep in thoughts,
I found the door that was until now, closed to me.

All you feel, all you think,
Is just beyond the door.
Obstacles, at first, seemingly unable to overcome, such as livelihood and culture,
Let’s overcome them, with the universal power of a smile.

There is nothing that can’t be accomplished.
Slowly but surely, make a challenge towards it,
And hold in your hands the realized future.

All you feel, all you thought,
Is just waiting behind that door.
Even with obstacles seemingly impossible to overcome, such as food and language.
Let’s overcome them with the power of songs, united around the world.
Let’s rethink what we have avoided to touch upon and really take to heart, the things we felt were unrelated.
And change the world.

धेरै टाढा तिमीसंग
With You (Napali)

म धेरै टाढा भएका तिमीसंग हाँस्न सकेको थिएं।
मलाई आश्चर्य छ कि यदि त्यो एक्लो साझा गर्न सकिन्छ।
एक अर्कोलाई सहयोग गरौं
म हात समाउन र समाप्त हुन चाहन्छु।

म तिमीलाई जान्न चाहन्छु
मसँग एक अग्लो पर्खाल छ र जडान गर्न चाहान्छु।
मसँग त्यस्तो सोच्ने साहस छैन।

यदि मैले छोड्यो भने, परिवर्तन हुँदैन।
हामी जडान गरेका छौं
परिवर्तन गरौं
आँफैमा बिश्वास गरेर।

म धेरै टाढा भएका तिमीसंग हाँस्न सकेको थिएं।
मलाई आश्चर्य छ कि यदि त्यो कुरा साझा गर्न सकिन्छ
एक अर्कोलाई सहयोग गरौं
म हात समाउन र समाप्त हुन चाहन्छु।

अलि अलि धेरै अग्लो पर्खाल
यो कम भयो।
केही फरक पार्दैन
मलाई लाग्दैन।
हामी चुनौती दिन्छौं।
जे पनि गर्न सकिन्छ
सधै सधैका लागि।

कति टाढा भए पनि
हाम्रो जडान तोड्न हुँदैन।
जडान गरौं।

टाढा भएका तिमी पनि हाँसौं।
मलाई लाग्छ कि त्यो एक्लो परिवर्तन हुन सक्छ।
एक अर्कालाई जे भए पनि मद्दत गरौं।
म हात समाउन र समाप्त हुन चाहन्छु।

पर्दा खोल्नुहोस्, बाहिर हामफालौं।
जोड्ने एक ब्रिज बनाऔं
हामी सँगै एक मुस्कान संग पार गरौं।
आउनुहोस् हात समात्नुहोस् धेरै धेरै महसुस गरौं।
स्वादिष्ट खाना आऊ, सँगै खाऔं।
सँगै एक सुन्दर गीत गाउनुहोस्।
सँगै रमाईलो गरौं र सँगै खेलौं।
तिमीसँग हाँसौं।

ढोका पछाडि
Beyond (Napali)

मैले संसारको खाना र भाषाहरूमा अनुसन्धान गरें।
कहिलेकाहीँ यो समान छ, तर कहिलेकाँही यो फरक हुन्छ।
ममा लामो समयको लागि रुचि थिएन।
म एक थिएं जसले मलाई आफू सम्बन्ध भएको सोचेन।

बिभिन्न विश्व संस्कृतिहरू
अझै, यो जापानसंग केहि समान छ।
यो दुनिया संग कनेक्ट गर्नको लागी एक मौका हो।
बन्द ढोका खोलौं।

महसुस गर्ने र सोच्ने सबै
किनकि यो ढोकाको अन्त्यमा छ।
त्यहाँ खाना र भाषा जस्तो दुर्गम बाधा पनि छन्।
विश्वमा सामान्य गीतको साथ पार गरौं।

संसारसँगको भिन्नताको मसँग केही सरोकार छैन।
अर्को देशलाई सहयोग गर्न मैले युनिसेफको कोषलाई पौष धीएको छु।
तर केहि दिन पछि मैले सबै बिर्सें।
मलाई लाग्यो कि यसले फेरि कुनै फरक पार्दैन।
केही फरक नपर्ने कुरा टाढा राखेर
मैले सम्बन्धित केहिसंग सम्बन्ध महसुस गरें।
जब आफैंलाई हेर्छु र यसको बारेमा सोच्छु मैले एउटा ढोका भेट्टाए जुन बन्द थियो।

महसुस गर्ने र सोच्ने सबै
किनकि यो ढोकाको अन्त्यमा छ।
त्यहाँ पर्खालहरू पनि छन् ।जुन जीवन र संस्कृति जस्तो हटाउन सकिँदैन।
आउनुहोस् विश्वमा साझा एक मुस्कानसंग।

गर्न नसक्ने केहि छैन।
बिस्तारै चुनौती
साकार भविष्यमा तिम्रो हात समाऔं।

महसुस गर्ने र सोच्ने सबै
किनकि यो ढोकाको अन्त्यमा छ।
त्यहाँ भित्ताहरू पनि छन् जुन खाना र भाषा जस्तो हटाउन सकिँदैन।
विश्वमा सामान्य गीतको साथ पार गरौं।
केहि फरक पर्दैन, सबै कुरा टाढा देखिन्छ।
पुनर्विचार र विश्व परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस्।

معك بعيداً
With You (Arabic)

مهما كانت الصعاب سنتحدى،
سنظل كذلك ولن نهدى.

مهما كنت بعيداً، سنظل مرتبطين.. لإنني
سأكون معك.

معك بعيداً فالنضحك ضحكة،
ما هي إلا مسافة،
مهما كانت الصعاب فالنتعاون معاً، يداً بيد سنتجازوها .

فالنرفع الستر، ونحلق معاً
فالنرسم جسراً ونعبره
بابتسامة نشعر بدفئها جميعاً
هيا فلنتناول معاً ألذ الوجبات،
هيا لنغني معاً أجمل الأغنيات،
هيا لنمرح ونلعب معاً ونشارك الضحك الكثير.
هيا معاً نحو المستقبل نسير.
معك بعيداً ضحكنا ضحكة،
أم كانت قد جمعتنا فكرة،
مهما كانت الصعاب فالنتعاون معاً، يداً بيد سنتجازوها .

ماذا لو عرفتك أكثر،
هل سأتحلى بشجاعة،
لكسر جدار عال يفصل بيننا كبير.

بالاستسلام ، لن نغيير الكثير،
بإيماننا بأنفسنا ،
معاً نحقق التغيير.

معك بعيداً ضحكنا ضحكة،
أم كانت قد جمعتنا فكرة،
مهما كانت الصعاب فالنتعاون معاً، يداً بيد سنتجازوها .

لا تقل ليس من شأني أو لا أبالي،
فها هو بفضلنا جميعاً،
ذاك الجدار ينخفض عن الأعالي.

خلف الباب
Beyond (Arabic)

ظللت أبتعد عن الأشياء التي لا علاقة لي بها.
ولكن عندما نظرت في نفسي وفكرت ملياً، وجدت في داخلي بابًا

كل ما نشعر به ونعتقده معلق خلف باب.
خلف جدار بمختلف الحضارات و نفحات الحياة نحظى،
فلتكن ابتسامة وجوهنا طريقة تسلقه الفضلى.

لا يوجد ما لا يمكنك فعله
أمسك يدي ولنتحدى
معاً لندرك المستقبل شيئاً فشيئاً

كل ما نشعر به ونعتقده معلق خلف باب.
خلف جدار بمختلف اللغات و نكهات
الأطعمة نحظى،
فلتكن أغنية اللغات هذه طريقة تسلقه الفضلى.
فالنجعل العالم نصب أعيننا لنغيره نحو الأفضل
لقد بحثت عن مختلف أنواع الطعام واللغات في
العالم ووجدت في بعضها تشابه واختلاف في أخرى،
لم يحظ أي من ذلك اهتمامي أو فكري لفترة،
لم أكن متعلقاً به بالمرّة.

بعض ثقافات العالم تختلف عن ثقافة اليابان
ولكن منها ما يتشابه إن نظرنا بإمعان
فهي فرصتنا للاتصال مع العالم
ولفتح الأبواب المغلقة بإمان.

كل ما نشعر به ونعتقده معلق خلف باب.
خلف جدار بمختلف اللغات و نكهات
الأطعمة نحظى،
فلتكن أغنية اللغات هذه طريقة تسلقه الفضلى.

اختلاف العالم لا يتعلق بي،
فقد سبق وتبرعت لليونيسف لمساعدة دولة أخرى،
ولكن بعد أيام قليلة ، نسيت ذلك كله ولم أعد أعتقد متعلقاً به
Product Information

Release Date
Product Number
Product Specifications
Both sides are A singles, with two songs included. Digitally released
Manufactured by
Distributed by

Producer: Yuki Kondo (WORLD FESTIVAL) / Toru Yamashita
Director: Yuki Kondo (WORLD FESTIVAL)
A. Director: Shunsuke Noguchi (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Staff: Yurika Nakazawa, Yudai Sasaki (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Songwriting workshop: Yuki Kondo, Shunsuke Noguchi (WORLD FESTIVAL) / Toshiki Anazawa
Nepali Food Cooking Workshop: Misato Okaneya (Cookpad Inc.)
Exchange Program (Jordan): Kenta Takahashi (Former Jordanian Resident)
Exchange Program (Nepal): Shunya Awamura (Former Nepalese Resident)

Special Thanks:
– North-district of Tokyo Fukuro Elementary school
– All Parents of FUKUROSHO Member
– Ein Jalout Secondary School (10th Grade) مدرسة عين جالوت الثانوية الشاملة (Jordan – Exchange Destination School / Amman, Jordan)
– Queen Rania School (7th Grade) مدرسة الملكة رانيا العبدالله الثانوية الشاملة للبنات (Jordan – Exchange Destination School / Amman Jordan)
– Shree Kailash Secondary School(Nepal Exchange Destination School / Doba, Myagdi, Nepal)


Producer & Director: Yuki Kondo (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Music Arranged by: Kenri Kubo (TERRA Studio / DARESHIA) / Yuki Kondo, Shunsuke Noguchi (WORLD FESTIVAL) /
Sound Mixed by & Mastering: Daisuke Abe (Sony PCL Studio)
Cooperation: Ryo Katayama, Mikiro Hayashi (DARESHIA)

“With You”
Lyrics, Musc, and Title by: FUKUROSHO / Yuki Kondo, Shunsuke Noguchi (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Lyrics translated to Arabics by: Kenta Takahashi
Lyrics translated to Nepali by: Shunya Awamura

Music Composed by: FUKUROSHO / Toshiki Anazawa / Yuki Kondo, Shunsuke Noguchi (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Lyrics & Title by: FUKUROSHO / Yuki Kondo, Shunsuke Noguchi (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Lyrics translated to Arabics by: Kenta Takahashi
Lyrics translated to Nepali by: Shunya Awamura

Music Video

Producer & Director: Yuki Kondo (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Performed by: FUKUROSHO / Toru Yamashita / Toshiki Anazawa / Misato Okaneya (Cookpad Inc.) / Jordan Exchange Destination School / Nepal Exchange Destination School / WORLD FESTIVAL
Camera by: Yuki Kondo, Yurika Nakazawa (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Cooperation on Filming: FUKUROSHO
Edited by: Yuki Kondo (WORLD FESTIVAL)

Jacket Design

Producer & Director: Yuki Kondo (WORLD FESTIVAL)
A.Director: Shunsuke Noguchi (WORLD FESTIVAL)
Designer: Nancy Kubota
Drawings & Handwritings: FUKUROSHO


Class 1 “With You”
Taiga Iguma
Seira Ishii
Sena Ishida
Wakana Okubo
Kyohei Kaizaki
Yuri Kasami
Daiki Kikuhara
Yura Kumagai
Yuto Koide
Yuma Komaki
Yui Sato
Yumeka Shimatani
Rio Shirota
Aoi Suzuki
Hinano Seto
Daiki Takashima
Yuzuna Tanakai
Subaru Chin
Shingo Teshima
Mona Nakazawa
Asuka Nagami
Yusuke Nakamura
Kosuke Nihei
Yushi Nozawa
Hinako Haga
Yuichiro Hagio
Tomoko Hasegawa
Rio Hando
Rin Hisakata
Daigo Fukui
Hiromi Honda
Reo Maruta
Aiko Moriya
Nanaha Yamazaki
Seiji Ono
Class 2 “Beyond”
Ryusei Agata
Motohiro Ishikawa
Rai Ishiyama
Miyo Ito
Marika Iwasaki
Miu Umehara
Yuichi Ogawa
Neneka Ogura
Kanon Onozawa
Kano Kaku
Misato Kasai
Yuna Katayose
Narumi Kamatsu
Yusuke Kikuhara
Yuka Kokachi
Kurumi Kosaka
Haruki Sasamoto
Marin Shinoda
Ryutaro Shinoda
Moko Suzuki
Kokona Tokuda
Shun Tomioka
Miki Toyokawa
Yotaro Hanazawa
Koharu Hamada
Takumi Haritani
Rin Hirayama
Genta Homma
Mizuhi Miyamoto
Suguru Yanagisawa
Yuto Yamagata
Nayu Yamashita
Rinon Yui
Yuki Wagatsuma


FUKUROSHO North-district Fukuro Elementary School Class 1 & 2
Tokyo, Japan

We, at WORLD FESTIVAL, conducted a special class during the integrated learning period of Tokyo’s North-district Fukuro Elementary school, to a total of 70 six-graders. With the full-year theme of “To eradicate the “Indifference” in this world”, through interactions and creating with children overseas involving visuals and music, it was a class that played an active role in bringing the importance of connecting with one another. Nepal and Jordan were chosen as the interaction and creative partners, and upon interaction, the thoughts and feelings, messages were conveyed into a melody and lyrics of their own and delivered to the children of another country. This was the intent all along.

In the first half, with the theme “My hometown”, we conducted a project where the students created a visual art piece where they conveyed the beauty and attractions of the town they lived in. They presented this to their families, the school, and when interacting internationally.
In the latter half, they connected with children of the same generation around the world and interacted. There, they conducted a delivery of music that carried their thoughts and feelings, their message, and what they imagined throughout the class. The produced music was then, through WORLD FESTIVAL LABEL, was distributed and put on sale with the various stories and experiences these children encountered.

“Together we create, to the world” What is “creating together”? How can we overcome country, culture, andgenerational borders? What does it mean “To eradicate the “Indifference” in this world”? Through the classes, the children thought, imagined, and experienced various aspects, and these pure and innocent emotions and messages were realized in a melody and lyrics. Through applying the foundations made by the children, WORLD FESTIVAL and external creators collaborated, to deliver a finished product. With a sales plan directed to around the world, we created, by ourselves and with the world, an opportunity to connect on an equal level with people of various nations. The children actively joined in on shooting the visuals, designing the cover of the CD, sales, promotional ideas etc., of various fields.

Amman, Jordan
Founding of the country 1921 Major Cities Amman(4 million people) / Zarqa(1.36 million people)
Official Name Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan(Known as Jordan) Major Languages Arabic and other English
Area 89,000㎢(0.25 times that of Japan) People Arab etc.
Population 9.95 million people(World Bank) Religion Islam etc.
Capital Amman(4 million people) Currency 1 Jordanian dinar(JOD)= 149.62 JPY / 1 dollar = 0.71 Jordanian dinar
Political system Constitutional (hereditary) monarchy Industrial distribution Manufacturing industry, Transportation / Communications industry, Financial industry
Myagdi District, Nepal
Founding of the country 1768 Major Cities Kathmandu(1 million people) / Pokhara(426,000 people)
Official Name Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal(Known as Nepal) Major Languages Nepali(Official language) etc.
Area 148,000㎢(0.39 times that of Japan) People Parbate Hindu, Magars etc.
Population 28.7 million people(Asian Development Bank) Religion Hinduism, Buddhism etc.
Capital Kathmandu(1 million people) Currency 1 Nepalese rupee(Rs)= 0.90 JPY / 1 dollar = 116.81 Nepalese rupee
Political system Federal Democratic Republic Industrial distribution Agriculture and forestry, Trade / Wholesale business, Transportation / Communication industry
Tokyo, Japan
Place in the Kanto region of Japan
Area 2,194㎢
Population 9.27 million people