
Our CEO Yuki Kondo spoke of WORLD FESTIVAL’s activities at “Creating the future, 10 years from now – TALK #9”.


Our company’s CEO, Yuki Kondo participated as a guest in the achievement of SDGs within Japan, as a guest in the “Creating the future, 10 years from now” project on the official portal site of the “Japan SDGs Action”, an initiative to increase awareness of the SDGs in Japan and to achieve the SDGs advocated by the United Nations.

Regarding WORLD FESTIVAL, he spoke about the spark connecting entertainment and societal issues, along with SDGs, as well as the future we want to achieve.

The discussions can be seen here.
note “Creating the future, 10 years from now”: https://j-sdgsaction.jp/
note “【Creating the future, 10 years from now – TALK #9】 Ourselves and the person we didn’t know – connected together.|Yuki Kondo – CEO of WORLD FESTIVAL”: https://j-sdgsaction.jp/n/na6d8feabed56
YouTube “Creating the future, 10 years from now – TALK #9”: https://youtu.be/LLxTS1_viJE